Which social media platforms are you currently using? Check all that apply:
How many times do you post on each social media weekly? You can also let me know if it's at random or if you don't have a consistent schedule.
Does your company have a website?
I would like one
Does your company use email marketing?
I would like to
Does your company publish any blogs?
I would like to
Who handles the social media for your business?
Me, the business owner
One of my employees
We outsource our social media
Do you often wonder what you should be posting about on social media for your business?
Yes, I have no idea what I'm doing.
No, I have a pretty good idea of what our audience likes.
Sometimes I feel really good about social media and other times I feel like I have no clue.
Do you utilize your social media as a part of your sales funnel to achieve your business goals?
What are your biggest concerns or struggles when it comes to social media for your business?
If you could invest in any of the following services, which would be beneficial to you? Please check all that apply:
Blog writing
Email marketing/newsletters
Someone to tell me/my employees what to post on social media
Someone to take photos of my products/services for social media
Someone to do all of my social media for me - I just don't want to think about it anymore
If you had the option to attend low cost social media workshops each month, would you or someone from your company attend?
Yes, I would attend
Yes, I would send an employee
No, we're not interested
Keeping in mind the social media can be written off as a marketing expense, how much would your company be willing to spend on a variety of social media services each month?
$0 - $299
$300 - $599
$600 - $1000
If you'd like to connect and discuss a solution to your social media problems, please leave your email below.