Why you should be using Grammarly as a Social Media Marketer.

HEY! HEY! HEY! Happy Friday everyone!

Something that all of my friends know about me is that when I love a product or service, I will tell everyone about it.. like sales girl status. So it's no surprise that I want to do the same thing as a Social Media Marketer with the free tools that I love to use.

The tool I’m currently obsessing over is Grammarly.

Grammarly is AWESOME. If you are a writer or create content of any kind, I highly suggest it. The free version checks your spelling and grammar as an app or browser extension. It corrects every single thing you type in real-time.

The free plan works well enough for me but they do have paid versions (monthly, quarterly, or annually) that take a little bit of a deeper dive into your work.

Here is a quick look at 5 of my free favorite features:

It is easy to use.

Install the browser extension on your computer and BAM! You’re a grammar pro. As you type in real-time, it highlights your mistakes and offers you suggestions on how to fix them. The free version corrects spelling, grammar, and allows you to double-click to check any definition. It also indicates the mood and tone of your writing which I often find super helpful when writing for different clients.

They have a mobile keyboard.

We all know that working in social media can sometimes mean working on your phone. Grammarly has a mobile keyboard that allows you to check your grammar on the go! It has all the same features as the free browser version so you can have anything on your phone proofread at any time.

You can use different English dialects.

Do you work with clients outside of the US? No problem. You can easily change the language settings in your free Grammarly profile making it easy to write for your clients out of area. 

They have a contextual spell checker.

This feature is my favorite and probably the most essential to keep those grammar lords out of your DMs. We’ve all seen the caption with the incorrect usage of “your” and “you’re” or “their,” “there,” and “they’re.” The word IS spelled correctly but it IS NOT the right word so spell-check wouldn’t flag it but Grammarly would. Grammarly recognizes and fixes these common mistakes ensuring that you don’t accidentally make your client look stupid.

They provide you with personal insights.

Grammarly sends you a weekly report called Grammarly Insights. Think of it as a weekly review of your writing performance. It informs you of your most common mistakes and teaches you how to avoid them in the future as well as highlights all of the cool unique things you do as a writer. I know that looking at this report has helped me immensely as a writer and I’m only just getting started.

I think you can tell that I find Grammarly to be a particularly useful tool! I hope you found this overview helpful and will consider using Grammarly to enhance your own writing. If you already use it, what is your favorite feature? Let me know in the comments below.


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